Friday, March 14, 2008

National Convention Caucus

Saturday, April 5th, starting at 9:00AM, Massachusetts Republicans will be meeting around the state to decide our delegates Republican National Convention in September. All registered Republicans are eligible (and encouraged) to participate.

1st congressional district (Congressman John Olver) will be meeting at the Moose Lodge in Greenfield. 2nd congressional district (Congressman Neal) will be meeting in Sturbridge.

FYI: Massachusetts has 43 delegates to send. Three delegates, and three alternates, from each of our ten congressional districts are are decided at this caucus. Ten more delegates, one from each congressional district, are elected by the Republican State Committee. The other three delegates are Peter Torkilson our state party chairman, Ron Kauffman our National Committeeman, and Judy Dow our National Committeewoman.

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