Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Such are the ways in a one-party state

From the Worcester Telegram and Gazette:

Backdoor raises bespeak arrogance of one-party rule


At a time when the state is facing a deficit of some $1.3 billion in its fiscal 2009 budget, Democratic lawmakers delivered a slap in the face to taxpayers by voting pay increases for “a few select legislators” in a supplemental budget filed to cover this winter’s extraordinary snow removal costs and shore up regional transit authorities. Typically, the vote stuck pretty much to party lines, 121-20, with only one Democrat casting a dissenting ballot. The handout now awaits the governor’s signature.

Among the select few is state Rep. John J. Binienda, D-Worcester, whose $7,500 bonus pay as chairman of the Revenue Committee would be doubled.

Republicans, led by Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones Jr. of North Reading, made a commendable but futile attempt to stop this outrageous backdoor move. Regrettably, such moves are apt to continue in a Legislature emboldened by years of one-party rule.

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